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Most RecentTop Six at the Flix - Films to watch out for in...

Top Six at the Flix – Films to watch out for in August

Plaza Cinema Dorchester
Spiderman Season (2002, 2004, 2007)

Before Tom Holland and Zendaya there was Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst. “When Spider-Man came out in 2002, it was the first major superhero movie, and it set the trajectory for the Marvel Cinematic Universe…..” CBR. Madisyn Espinoza.

Bridport Electric Palace
The Bikeriders (2023)

“A testament not only to how Nichols lovingly crafts a fictional story around the photos Danny Lyon took for his seminal 1968 book The Bikeriders, but also to the flesh his actors put on the bones of the archetypes who populate it.” Total Film. Neil Smith.

BBC iPlayer
The Olympics. Paris. 1924!
Chariots of Fire (1981)

“Chariots of Fire reasserts the importance of the so-called old-fashioned virtues of moral courage and personal integrity and, as such, it is a movie that, with the help of Vangelis Papathanassiou’s wonderfully stirring music, lifts the spirits to a new high.” New York Daily Times. Kathleen Carroll.

Hurt Locker (2024)
“A small classic of tension, bravery, and fear, which will be studied twenty years from now when people want to understand something of what happened to American soldiers in Iraq.” The New Yorker. David Denby.

Borderless Fog (2024)

“The most intriguing title to emerge from Netflix’s South East Asian showcase was the slick crime drama Borderless Fog from Indonesian filmmaker Edwin. By virtue of the genre, Borderless Fog will break new ground for Indonesian cinema, a country where crime thrillers are a rarity, even more so with a woman as the protagonist.” The Hollywood Reporter. Abid Rahman.

Arthur King (2024)

“Obviously, being a dog lover goes a long way toward one’s enjoyment of Arthur the King. But even if you’re not, you won’t be able to resist this canine thespian who manages to convey a world of information merely through barks. And he doesn’t even need those.” The Hollywood Reporter. Frank Scheck.

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