Your truly comprehensive list of local events
Saturday, 1 March
Free Celebrating Women event hosted by UNISON Somerset Health, to mark International Women’s Day – join in the festivities and enjoy a range of free practical workshops available for sign-up on the day. Support local crafters and artists by purchasing distinctive, handcrafted Mother’s Day gifts. Connect with various participating organizations, including St. Margaret’s Hospice, which will be hosting the refreshments area, Yeovil Diversity Project and Wessex Water. In support of the Smalls for All Charity, donations of ‘gently worn’ laundered bras and new pants will be collected for distribution to women and girls in need around the world. Timing:10.00-13.30 at The Gateway Centre Addlewell Lane, Yeovil Contact Susan Bickle on susanbickle.unison@gmail.com for details.
The Friends of Weymouth Library (F.O.W.L.) talk at 10-30a.m. in the library will be by Peter Marlow, who is one of the organisers for trips on the motor vessel (catamaran) MV Freedom, which caters for wheelchair users and those with a disability. On the two-hour trip along the Jurassic Coast passengers can enjoy fishing or helming the boat. The boat sails from Weymouth Harbour twice a day in good weather. Come and learn more about this charity. Everyone welcome. Refreshments provided. Tickets obtainable from the Library (01305762410). @ £2 for members and £3 ror non-members. For other information phone 01305 832613.
Modern Jive Social Dance – No class just 3 hours of Modern Jive ‘Freestyle’ – 8-11pm – Chideock Village Hall. £8 per person – BYOB www.dynamic-dance.uk.
Sunday, 2 March
More Tales from under Shady Tree: Disappearing Lyme. Ken Gollop remembers growing up during 1940s and 1950s with the families fishing boat trips from Cobb Gate beach. The new sea walls and sewerage works have altered that part of Lyme and a generation has passed since Cobb Gate and Church Cliff beaches were working beaches, and the holiday trade is totally different now. Woodmead Halls, Lyme Regis. Doors open at 2pm for talk at 2.30pm. Admission £4, proceeds in aid of the friends of Lyme Regis Museum.
Friends of Lyme Regis Museum Lyme Regis Museum Friends offer an illustrated talk, ‘Disappearing Lyme’ by Ken Gollop at 2.30 pm in the Woodmead Hall, Hill Road, Lyme Regis DT7 3PG. More tales and memories from Ken who remembers growing up on Cobb Gate & Church Cliff beaches in Lyme Regis. Entrance £4 on the door. Enquiries to David Cox, 01297 443156.
Royal Ballet & Opera Screening: Swan Lake (210 mins) 2pm Bridport Electric Palace 35 South Street , DT6 3NY. Tickets £17 Book online electricpalace.org.uk
Monday, 3 March
Scottish Dancing in All Saints Village Hall. An evening of Scottish dancing in All Saints Village Hall, near Axminster, EX13 7LX 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug and wear soft soled shoes. No partner required. Cost £2.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.co.uk.
Bridport Folk Dance Group If you like music, gentle exercise and socialising, do come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall, North Street on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. No experience or partner required. Occasional live music and always a Caller to guide the dances. Only £3. Tea and biscuits. Tel: 863552 or text 07456730753 for more information.
Six talks about Women Artists currently in exhibitions this Spring. There is a wonderful and almost unique opportunity to explore current exhibitions about women artists and photographers. Arists included Rachel Reckitt, Vanessa Bell, Tirzah Garwood, Helen Clapcott, Paule Vezelay, Ithel Colquhoun, Tish Murtha, Leonora Carrington, Linder Sterling(who takes inspiration from Colquhoun) and Dora Carrington. Venue: United Hall Bridport, starts 2pm-3.30pm. Online on Fridays from March 7th, 2pm. Fee £65. On line fee £60. Drop in lectures £13. To join the course, please email: chris.pamsimpson@btinternet.com. Tutor: Pam Simpson MA, Associate Lecturer University of the Arts.
Hawkchurch Film Nights, in association with Moviola.org, proudly presents ‘Conclave’ (120 mins, Cert. 12 – brief sexual violence references). The responsibility to find a successor to the Pope falls on a beleaguered cardinal (Ralph Fiennes) who finds himself embroiled in a conspiracy in this masterful psychological drama. Nominated for 8 Oscars, including Best Picture, adapted for the screen by Peter Straughan (Wolf Hall), with an all-star cast including Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow and Isabella Rossellini, this superb film is not to be missed. Doors open 6.30pm, film starts 7.00pm at Hawkchurch Village Hall, EX13 5XD. Ticket reservations £6.50 from csma95@gmail.com or leave a message on 07753 603219 (socially-distanced seating available if reserved in advance); tickets also available in advance for £6.50 from Hawkchurch Community Shop or £7.00 on the door (cash only). Subtitles for hearing-impaired patrons provided if available. Home-made cake, teas, coffees, soft drinks, wine and other tasty refreshments available.
Modern Jive (Leroc) Social Dance Classes. 7:30pm, Chideock Village Hall. £7 per person, Come with or without a partner. Beginners and Returners Welcome Every Week. www.dynamic-dance.uk. Also 10th, 17th & 24th March.
Tuesday, 4 March
Steve Knightley Renowned Westcountry songwriter former Show of Hands frontman, is on a ground-breaking nationwide solo tour—the first since the iconic band disbanded and focused on promoting his latest album, The Winter Yards. Corn Exchange, Dorchester 7.30pm. For more information and tickets, visit dorchesterarts.org.uk or contact the box office on 01305 266926.
Scottish Country Dancing at Horton Village Hall Nr Ilminster TA19 9QR from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Everyone welcome including first timers. £3.00 pay on the door. Why not come along and join the fun. For further information contact Anita on 01460 929383, email anitaandjim22@gmail.com or visit our web site at www.ashillscd.wordpress.com
Dance Connection Open Class, 7-8:30pm (doors open 6:50pm), LATCH, Litton Cheney Hall, DT2 9AU, 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com, www.joysofdance.co.uk.
Wednesday, 5 March
Kilmington Film Night Paddington in Peru (PG) A wonderfully fun adventure with all the warmth, humour, and heart fans of this beloved franchise have come to adore. With just the right blend of humour and heartfelt moments. Doors and bar open 6.45 film start 7.15 at Kilmington Village Hall EX13 7RF. Tickets @ £6, or £6.50 on the door, can be ordered by contacting: John at wattsjohn307@gmail.com or Tel: 01297 521681.
Meeting Voices Community Choir, Chard. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn songs in harmony by ear. Everyone welcome. Chard Guildhall. Fore St, Chard TA20 1PP. Phone 07534 116502 or email mvsecretary@outlook.com.
Thursday, 6 March
The Shanty Sessions come along and join East Devons finest, The Chantry Buoys, from Colyton, singing traditional sea shanties and other well known songs of the sea. Entrance is free and all proceeds go to selected local charities. A licensed bar will be open selling local ales etc, and soft drinks, from 7pm. The Buoys start at 7.30pm. The Marine Theatre, Church St, Lyme Regis DT7 3QB. https://www.marinetheatre.com/buy-tickets/
Zone of Interest (2023, Various, 12, 105 mins, Dir: Jonathan Glazer). German-occupied Poland, summer of 1943. More than anything, Hedwig, an indefatigable mother of five, wants to keep her well-organised life as is. After all, she has worked her fingers to the bone to create a fragrant slice of paradise to raise her children, and nothing will change that. Indeed, it’s hard to imagine that just a hair’s breadth away from the peaceful and idyllic Höss household, the unimaginable horrors of the Final Solution were unfolding in full swing. Doors 7:00 pm, 7:30 pm start. Clapton & Wayford Village Hall (TA18 8PS). Membership £25, guests £5 per film. For more details, contact mickpwilson53@btinternet.com or ring Mick Wilson on 01460 74849 or Kathy Everard on 01460 30646.
Folk dancing at Combe St Nicholas village hall (TA20 3LT) on Thursday 6th March 2025 at 1930 hrs. Ali will be calling and Fresh Aire are providing the music. It’s £4.00 per person which includes a cuppa and cake, all welcome and it is a lot of fun! Further details from Elaine on 01460 65909.
Chesil Bank Writing Shed. Do you write? Would you like to be a writer? Whatever you want to write why not come and learn with our creative writing group. New writers always welcome. 7pm – 9pm, Portesham Village Hall. Find out more by calling Linda on 01305 871802.
Kilmington Film Matinee Paddington in Peru (PG) (See 5th March). Matinee, doors open 1.45pm film starts 2pm, cream-teas served during the interval but must be pre-booked with your seats @ £3.50. see above and www.kilmingtonvillage.com/other-organisations.html for more information.
Lyme Voices Community Choir. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn songs in harmony by ear. Everyone welcome. Baptist Church (Pine Hall round the back), Silver St., Lyme Regis, DT7 3NY. Phone 07534 116502 or email petelinnett2@hotmail.com.
Solo Charleston and Vintage Jazz Dance Classes – 1-2pm, St Marys Church Hall Bridport – Class for all levels and abilities – £6 – All Welcome www.dynamic-dance.uk. Also 13th, 20th & 27th.
Thea Gilmore Bridport Electric Palace 35 South Street , DT6 3NY. Tickets £24 Book online electricpalace.org.uk.
Friday, 7 March
Mike Denham SpeakEasy with Tom “Spats” Langham – Mike’s guest tonight is arguably the UK’s top jazz entertainer, Tom “Spats” Langham. Spats plays majestic guitar and banjo, and is an excellent vocalist. With Mike at the piano, the two will explore 1920s jazz and 1930s swing with expertise and huge delight. Tickets: £20. 7.30pm at Ilminster Arts Centre, TA19 0AN. 01460 54973 www.ilminsterartscentre.com
Saturday, 8 March
The Ghost of a Smile with Nicholas Collett. Powerstock Hut, Powerstock. Tickets: Adult 12.50, U18s £6. Age recommended 11+ Doors open at 7pm for 7.30 performance Cash/card Bar. Box Office: 01308 485730 or 07817 429907 or www.artsreach.co.uk.
The Pasadena Roof Orchestra, with an unparalleled reputation across the UK, Europe and beyond have been re-creating the sounds of a golden era of music from the 1920s and ‘30s to widespread acclaim for over 50 years. Hardye Theatre, Dorchester 7.30pm. For more information and tickets, visit dorchesterarts.org.uk or contact the box office on 01305 266926.
Table Top Sale – Musbury Village Hall, 10am to 12.30pm. Stalls include cakes, raffle, bric a brac and lots more. Refreshments including bacon buttys. All profits to St Michaels Church, Musbury, Enquiries call 01297 552440/552711.
Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 6 mile walk from Abbotsbury. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. New members/visitors welcome.
A Complete Unknown (15) 140 mins 7:30pm Bob Dylan biopic staring Timothée Chalamet. Bridport Electric Palace 35 South Street, DT6 3NY. Tickets £8.50 Book online electricpalace.org.uk. Also Thurs 13 March | 2pm
Sunday, 9 March
Singing Bowl Soundbath 2pm Bridport Unitarians, 49 East St, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3JX £16 Lie down, relax, and allow the Pure Sounds of a crystal and Tibetan bowl soundbath plus sacred vocal overtoning give you a sonic deep-tissue massage, taking you into the deeper brainwave states of ‘the relaxation response’, while charging and balancing the aura and chakras of the subtle body, and detoxing the physical body. Please book in advance via 01935 389655 or email ahiahel@live.com.
Lyme Bay Chorale present ‘Panis Angelicus’ an hour of the western world’s most treasured choral masterpieces from 16th -19th centuries including Frank’s Panis Angelicus, Buxtehude’s Magnificat, Mozart’s Ave Verum Corpus, Bruckner’s Ave Maria, concluding with Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus. With Musical Director and Conductor Alex Davis and Peter Irving Accompanist at St Micheal’s Parish Church, 4-5 pm. Admission is free but donations gladly accepted at the end of the concert. We are collecting to support our young Singers Bursary Scheme.
Monday, 10 March
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock An evening of Scottish dancing in Chardstock Village Hall EX13 7BH. 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug and wear soft soled shoes. No partner required. Cost £2.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.co.uk.
Bridport Folk Dance Group If you like music, gentle exercise and socialising, do come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall, North Street on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. No experience or partner required. Occasional live music and always a Caller to guide the dances. Only £3. Tea and biscuits. Tel: 863552 or text 07456730753 for more information.
Winsham Art Club, 2pm at Jubilee Hall TA20 4HU. The theme this practical session is Still Life using any medium of your choice. It is a 2.5 hr. session led by a tutor. Small friendly group of mixed abilities. Members £5, non-members £7. Annual membership £15. All welcome. Contact: Email : suzyna48@gmail.com for further details.
The Bus Shelter Dorset for the homeless. 2 p.m. The Bus Shelter Dorset is a registered charity offering rough sleepers somewhere to live. One of their volunteers will be talking to the members of The Dorchester Townswomen’s Guild after our AGM and a cup of coffee or tea. Dorchester Community Church, Liscombe Street, Poundbury, DT1 3DF. Donations of toiletries would be very welcome. Visitors welcome (£3). Enquiries 01305 832857.
Tuesday, 11 March
Scottish Country Dancing at Horton Village Hall Nr Ilminster TA19 9QR from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Everyone welcome including first timers. £3.00 pay on the door. Why not come along and join the fun. For further information contact Anita on 01460 929383 , email anitaandjim22@gmail.com or visit our web site at www.ashillscd.wordpress.com.
Dance Connection, 7-8:30pm (doors open 6:50pm), Uplyme Village Hall, DT7 3UY 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com, www.joysofdance.co.uk.
Singing Bowl Soundbath Digby Memorial Hall Sherborne DT9 3LN £16 Lie down, relax, and allow the Pure Sounds of a crystal and Tibetan bowl soundbath plus sacred vocal overtoning give you a sonic deep-tissue massage, taking you into the deeper brainwave states of ‘the relaxation response’, while charging and balancing the aura and chakras of the subtle body, and detoxing the physical body. Please book in advance via 01935 389655 or email ahiahel@live.com.
Wednesday, 12 March
Meeting Voices Community Choir, Chard. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn songs in harmony by ear. Everyone welcome. Chard Guildhall. Fore St, Chard TA20 1PP. Phone 07534 116502 or email mvsecretary@outlook.com.
Steve Knightley: The Winter Yards in Spring – Solo Tour 2025 – Steve Knightley returns in Spring 2025 with his highly anticipated Winter Into Spring solo tour, offering fans a bold new show. Following the acclaim of his Winter Yards album and tour, hailed as “a deeply atmospheric journey” (Spiral Earth), this fresh performance blends powerful new songs with reimagined classics from Knightley’s extensive career. Tickets: £22. 7.30pm at Ilminster Arts Centre, TA19 0AN. 01460 54973 www.ilminsterartscentre.com.
Thursday, 13 March
Ferocious Dog after a roaring 2024 tour celebrating the release of their politically charged album Kleptocracy, Ferocious Dog are heading out on a special acoustic tour which sees them dive deeper into their back catalogue and pay homage to traditional folk songs that have inspired them from the start. Corn Exchange, Dorchester, 7.30pm. For more information and tickets, visit dorchesterarts.org.uk or contact the box office on 01305 266926.
Scottish Dancing in Woodbury An afternoon of Scottish dancing in Woodbury Community Hall EX13 5TL 2.00-4.30 p.m.. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug and wear soft soled shoes. No partner required. Cost £3.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.co.uk.
The Man who built Wessex by renowned speaker Francis Burroughes 7pm for 7.30pm Upstairs (with lift available) Chard Guildhall. A very swift AGM, having been postponed due to weather in January, will be held at this meeting. Annual memberships will be collected @ £5 for the year. Member pay £2.50 per meeting Guests are most welcome at £3.50 per meeting. For further details contact Tessa 07984481634.
Seaton Garden Club. A Talk by Dr Todd Gray on, The Historic Building of Exeter. The Masonic Hall Seaton. Time 2.30p.m. Members free. Non members £2.00 including refreshments.
Lyme Voices Community Choir. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn songs in harmony by ear. Everyone welcome. Baptist Church (Pine Hall round the back), Silver St., Lyme Regis, DT7 3NY. Phone 07534 116502 or email petelinnett2@hotmail.com.
Bridport History Society, to mark 200 years of train travel since 1825, will be welcoming Professor Colin Divall who will give a talk titled ‘Who Planned the Victorian Railways — and Did They Get It Right?’ Colin Divall is professor emeritus of railway studies at the University of York and was until 2014 head of the Institute of Railway Studies & Transport History. The talk, which follows a short AGM, will be held at the United Church Hall on East Street, Bridport. Doors open at 2.15pm for a prompt 2.30pm start. All are welcome, members £1pp, visitors £5pp. Bridport History Society meets on the second Thursday of each month (except July and August). Membership is open to all (£12 individual / £18 couple). For more information visit: www.bridporthistorysociety.org.uk.
Hard Truths (12A) 97 mins 7:30pm The latest drama from Mike Leigh starring Marianne Jean-Baptiste Bridport Electric Palace 35 South Street , DT6 3NY. Tickets £8.50 Book online electricpalace.org.uk. Also Sat 15 March | 7:30pm
Friday, 14 March
Stephen Beville Recital: Beethoven Piano Sonatas 7.30 PM (doors open at 7 PM with refreshments) St Michael’s Church, Shute EX13 7QW Tickets £12.50 via www.shutefest.org.uk and on door (booking advised; children 16 and under free).
Alasdair Beatson – Scottish pianist Alasdair Beatson is renowned as a sincere musician and intrepid programmer. He champions a wide repertoire on both modern and historical instruments with particular areas of interest: classical, early romantic and French music (especially Fauré), alongside the music of today’s composers. Promoted by Concerts in the West. Tickets: £25. 7.30pm at Ilminster Arts Centre, TA19 0AN. 01460 54973 www.ilminsterartscentre.com
Friday, 14 – 15 March
Mike Denham on piano will be inviting different friends on each night. On the Friday he will be accompanied by Trevor Whiting (sax & clarinet) playing jazz from Sidney Beche to Benny Goodman. On the Saturday two friends join Mike, firstly Steve Graham on trumpet and secondly Gillian Berry for violin & vocals; and they will be playing from ragtime to swing. Tickets £20 each. All concerts start playing at 8pm. Please arrive after 7:30pm. Pre booking and prepayment only. Each party of guests must give a contact. We will give refunds if we need to cancel the concert for whatever reason. We will not refund if you need to cancel as that would disadvantage the musician(s), unless we can resell your seat. As usual price includes drinks & nibbles which are served in the interval, but exactly what, how and where depend on our discretion & weather. To order tickets please email info@tincletongallery.com or phone the gallery on 01305 848909. More information on website at www.tincletongallery.com. Tincleton Gallery, The Old School House, Tincleton, Dorset, DT2 8QR.
Saturday, 15 March
Quiz & Hot Supper. £10 per person; come in a team, or join one on the night; prizes for the winning teams. Licenced bar; raffle. 7pm; Clapton & Wayford Village Hall. Booking and payment in advance please, to assist with catering; phone Mary (01460 74849) or Julia (01460 72769).
Kilmington Community Cinema presents a West-End Theatre production of “Les Misérables”. “Les Mis’ has a towering passion and operatic intensity – not to mention absolutely belting tunes, in gorgeous multi-layered vocal arrangements –especially when sold by the sort of world-class singers that Mackintosh rightly insists on keeping it stocked with.” Matinee, 2.30 open pm Screening 2.45 pm, Evening Doors and bar open 6.15 screening 6.45pm at Kilmington Village Hall EX13 7RF. Tickets Pre-booked @ £10 under 15 £5 or £12 & £6 on the door, Pre-book by contacting: John at wattsjohn307@gmail.com or Tel: 01297 521681.
Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 7.5 mile walk from Fleet. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. New members/visitors welcome.
Sunday, 16 March
Yeovil Railway Centre, Yeovil Junction Station, Stoford BA22 9UU: First Steam Train Day of the new season. Recorded information on 01935 410420. For information about the Centre, see www.yeovilrailway.freeservers.com.
Dance Connection Workshop – Archetypes, 2:30-5pm (doors open 2:20pm), Uplyme Village Hall, DT7 3UY 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com, www.joysofdance.co.uk.
Dalwood Jazz Club presents Annika Skoogh’s “Orpheus” (A 6 piece band brought together by a love of Brazilian music) with Annika – vocals, Martin Jenkins – Hammond organ, Steve Dow – guitar, Jade Gall – Flute & Sax. – Gary Evans – drums & Colin Seddon – percussion. 3pm. Dalwood Village Hall, EX13 7EG, near Axminster. Bar for beer/wine/soft drinks and teas/coffees/cake etc. Parking at the Village Hall. £12.50p If possible, please book in advance and pay cash at the door. t.mackenney111@btinternet.com. www.dalwoodvillage.co.uk.
Garage sale in and around Broadwindsor DT8 3QD. 10am – 2pm. More than 20 households taking part all over the village. Maps will be available on the day in the community shop, The White Lion community pub and Comrades Hall. Donations from stallholders are being given to the village hall for improvements to the car park. Bacon rolls, cake, tea and coffee served from the hall between 10am-2pm. The White Lion will be open for Sunday lunch from 12.30-2.30pm and booking is essential by calling 01308 867070 or emailing info@whitelionbroadwindsor.co.uk
Monday, 17 March
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock An evening of Scottish dancing in Chardstock Village Hall EX13 7BH 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug and wear soft soled shoes. No partner required. Cost £2.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.co.uk.
Bridport Folk Dance Group If you like music, gentle exercise and socialising, do come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall, North Street on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. No experience or partner required. Occasional live music and always a Caller to guide the dances. Only £3. Tea and biscuits. Tel: 863552 or text 07456730753 for more information.
Tuesday, 18 March
Scottish Country Dancing at Horton Village Hall Nr Ilminster TA19 9QR from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Everyone welcome including first timers. £3.00 pay on the door. Why not come along and join the fun. For further information contact Anita on 01460 929383 , email anitaandjim22@gmail.com or visit our web site at www.ashillscd.wordpress.com.
Dance Connection Open Class, 7-8:30pm (doors open 6:50pm), LATCH, Litton Cheney Hall, DT2 9AU, 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com, www.joysofdance.co.uk.
Wednesday, 19 March
Coffee Morning, including cakes, scones & savouries, and bacon/egg rolls (made to order), 10.30am – noon; all welcome. Clapton & Wayford Village Hall. More details from Julia (01460 72769).
Colyton & District Garden Society AGM. All welcome, come along and have your say if you have any ideas. Also: Spring Bulb Show, enter just one, two or all three categories, just a bit of fun, judged by Anne Swithenbank. Colyford Memorial Hall, EX24 6QJ , start 7.30 pm. Parking in the hall car park. Information: Sue Price 01297 552362.
Meeting Voices Community Choir, Chard. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn songs in harmony by ear. Everyone welcome. Chard Guildhall. Fore St, Chard TA20 1PP. Phone 07534 116502 or email mvsecretary@outlook.com.
Thursday, 20 March
The New Arts Group, The Queen of Sheba: Empress or Enigma? Speaker: Chris Bradley Cost: £10.00 Time: 2.00pm (tea/coffee from 1.30pm) Bridport Town Hall.
Folk dancing at Combe St Nicholas village hall (TA20 3LT) on Thursday 20th March 2025 at 1930 hrs. Mic Spenceley will be calling and Chris Toyne will be providing the music. It’s £4.00 per person which includes a cuppa and cake, all welcome and it is a lot of fun! Further details from Elaine on 01460 65909.
Lyme Voices Community Choir. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn songs in harmony by ear. Everyone welcome. Baptist Church (Pine Hall round the back), Silver St., Lyme Regis, DT7 3NY. Phone 07534 116502 or email petelinnett2@hotmail.com.
Couples Only Partner Dance Class – Perfect for ‘First Dance’ practice! – 7:30-9:30pm – Glow Collective, St Michaels Trading Estate, Bridport – Limited spaces – Must be booked in advance £20 per couple – www.dynamic-dance.uk
South Somerset RSPB Local Group. Dan the Bat Man An illustrated talk presented by Daniel Hargreaves, Bat Programme Manager at the Vincent Wildlife Trust. He has worked for the protection and conservation of bats in Costa Rica, Thailand, Zambia and also for the National Trust at Montacute House with the resident rare Bechsteins bat. 7.30pm The Millennium Hall, Seavington St. Mary, Ilminster, TA19 0QH. Entry: Group members £4, non-group members £5, under 25’s Free. Tea/coffee & biscuits included – Wheelchair access. Further details from Denise Chamings on 0781473846 or www.rspb.org.uk/groups/southsomerset. Everyone welcome.
Ashley Hutchings + Blair Dunlop 7:30pm The Guvnor of folk-rock Bridport Electric Palace 35 South Street , DT6 3NY. Tickets £22 Book online electricpalace.org.uk
Friday, 21 March
Apples In Winter tells the story of an American mother, Miriam, whose son is on death row for a terrible crime. His last request is his mother’s apple pie. As Miriam shows the audience how to make the perfect apple pie, she tries to understand what happened to her son. The show will be coming to the Manor Pavilion Theatre, Sidmouth 2025. Tickets can be purchased online at Manor Pavilion Theatre or at the box office: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 10.00 – 14.30, in person and by phone 01395 514413.
The Critic A gripping tale of ambition, deception, and intrigue, with an all-star cast, The Critic is a must-watch for film lovers. Doors Open: 7:00 PM – Film Starts: 7:30 PM. Tickets: £6.50 (includes a drink or ice cream). Milborne St Andrew Village Hall.
Lympstone Military Wives Choir are at The Beacon Kilmington EX13 7RF for the 100th Anniversary of the Royal British Legion Kilmington Branch. All welcome, open 7pm choir 7.30. Tickets @ £10 under 16 £5 can be booked by contacting David david.dowden@btinternet.com or 01279 32128.
Dave’s Big General Knowledge Quiz – Come and support the Arts Centre with a wonderful evening of quizzing! Fiendish questions, bar and a raffle await. Tickets: £15 per team of 4. 7.30pm at Ilminster Arts Centre, TA19 0AN. 01460 54973 www.ilminsterartscentre.com
Saturday, 22 March
Awake my Soul – The Mumford and Sons Story, with beautiful vocal harmonies, and foot-stomping drums this is a chance to hear all Mumford & Sons’ best hits, including Little Lion Man, I Will Wait, The Cave, Roll Away Your Stone and many more. A stomp and holler not to be missed! Hardye Theatre, Dorchester 7.30pm. For more information and tickets, visit dorchesterarts.org.uk or contact the box office on 01305 266926.
Milborne St Andrew Village Hall Quiz Night – Think you know it all? Put your knowledge to the test at our Village Hall Quiz Night! Grab some snacks, gather your team or join one on the night for an evening of trivia, fun, and friendly competition. Max team size: 6 people – £2.50 per person. Bar opens: 7:00 PM. Quiz starts: 7:30 PM Whether you’re a quiz master or just in it for the laughs, everyone’s welcome! Book your place now; email: chair.msavh@gmail.com. Come along for a great night out—see you there!
Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 6 mile walk from Piddletrenthide. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. New members/visitors welcome.
South Somerset Choral Society March Concert J S Bach St. Matthew Passion. First performed on Good Friday 1727 in St Thomas’s Church in Leipzig, Johann Sebastian Bach’s St Matthew Passion lay neglected for a century until it was revived by Felix Mendelssohn in 1829, the later composer describing it as ‘the greatest of all Christian works’. Certainly regarded as a supreme masterpiece of the choral repertoire, South Somerset Choral Society are thrilled to be performing the work for the first time. Bach sets St Matthew’s account of Jesus’s last days in a profoundly moving sequence of choruses, arias, recitatives and chorales. The Lutheran congregation of Bach’s day would have known all the chorale melodies (hymn tunes), and our 2025 performance will be sung in English, with copies of the chorales being provided to encourage full audience participation! With a team of five outstanding soloists and accompanied by a professional orchestra, South Somerset Choral Society are delighted to be joined by the talented young singers of Perrott Hill School Choirs for what promises to be a memorable and uplifting musical experience in the fine church of St John’s, Yeovil. 7.30pm St. John’s Church, Church Street, Yeovil BA20 1HE. Tickets £18 (under 18s £5). Available from Ticketsource and from South Somerset Choral Society on 07342 240543/07979 840442
Sunday, 23 March
Tenebrae Hailed as “phenomenal” (The Times) and “devastatingly beautiful” (Gramophone Magazine), Tenebrae is renowned for its passion and precision. Directed by Nigel Short, this award-winning choir performs globally, and we are delighted to welcome them back to Dorchester Arts to perform in the beautiful acoustic of St Mary’s Church. St Mary’s Church, Dorchester 7pm. For more information and tickets, visit dorchesterarts.org.uk or contact the box office on 01305 266926.
Monday, 24 March
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock An evening of Scottish dancing in Chardstock Village Hall EX13 7BH 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug and wear soft soled shoes. No partner required. Cost £2.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.co.uk.
If you like music, gentle exercise and socialising, do come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall, North Street on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. No experience or partner required. Occasional live music and always a Caller to guide the dances. Only £3. Tea and biscuits. Tel: 863552 or text 07456730753 for more information.
Winsham Art Club, 2pm at Jubilee Hall TA20 4HU. The theme this practical session is Pen and Ink with Watercolour. It is a 2.5 hr. session led by a visiting tutor. Small friendly group of mixed abilities. Members £5, non-members £7. Annual membership £15. All welcome. Contact: Email : suzyna48@gmail.com for further details.
Screenwriter, Chris Chibnall, will be launching his highly anticipated book Death at the White Hart. Chris will be joined on stage by the brilliant Jennie Godfrey, author of The No.1 Sunday Times Bestseller The List of Suspicious Thing, in what promises to be an inspiring event. 7.30 pm Bridport Arts Centre, 9 South St, Bridport DT6 3NR Tickets from 01308 424204
Tuesday, 25 March
Scottish Country Dancing at Horton Village Hall Nr Ilminster TA19 9QR from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Everyone welcome including first timers. £3.00 pay on the door. Why not come along and join the fun. For further information contact Anita on 01460 929383 , email anitaandjim22@gmail.com or visit our web site at www.ashillscd.wordpress.com.
Dance Connection, 7-8:30pm (doors open 6:50pm), Uplyme Village Hall, DT7 3UY 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com, www.joysofdance.co.uk.
Bridport U3A monthly talks are held at Bridport United Church hall, East Street, Bridport, DT6 3LJ. They start at 2pm and last 45-60 minutes, followed by a Q&A then refreshments. Members free, visitors £3. The March talk is by Justine Salkeld of the Dogs Trust, who will tell us about their work rehoming dogs.
Wednesday, 26 March
Uplyme and Lyme Regis Horticultural Society. AGM then Talk ‘No Nettles Required – The Truth about Wildlife Gardening’ by Ken Thompson. Uplyme Village Hall. Doors open 7pm, Short AGM at 7.30pm then talk. Members free; guests £3. More information https://ulrhs.wordpress.com.
Meeting Voices Community Choir, Chard. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn songs in harmony by ear. Everyone welcome. Chard Guildhall. Fore St, Chard TA20 1PP. Phone 07534 116502 or email mvsecretary@outlook.com.
Thursday, 27 March
Somerset Opera performing Gilbert & Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore. Martock Church; TA12 6JL. Performance time: 7:30pm. Tickets: £12 or £10 at Guardianstickets@gmail.com /07547 213992/Martock Gallery/ Martock Newsagent Website:www.martockonline.co.uk/events; www.somersetopera.org.uk/
Lyme Voices Community Choir. 19.30 to 21.15. Sing for fun. Learn songs in harmony by ear. Everyone welcome. Baptist Church (Pine Hall round the back), Silver St., Lyme Regis, DT7 3NY. Phone 07534 116502 or email petelinnett2@hotmail.com.
An Evening with Aggers 7:30pm International Cricketer and Broadcaster. Bridport Electric Palace 35 South Street , DT6 3NY. Tickets £34.50 Book online electricpalace.org.uk.
Friday, 28 March
The All Seasons – Bringing to life the music of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, The All Seasons present a show that will wow fans of the Jersey Boys sound. Tickets: £22. 7.30pm at Ilminster Arts Centre, TA19 0AN. 01460 54973 www.ilminsterartscentre.com.
Saturday, 29 March
Ninebarrow the multi-award-winning folk duo, who impress audiences across the country with their innovative and captivating take on the folk tradition. Jon Whitley and Jay LaBouchardiere combine breath taking vocal harmonies and melodies, delivering songs that are inspired and rooted in the landscape and history of the British Isles. Hardye Theatre, Dorchester 7.30pm. For more information and tickets, visit dorchesterarts.org.uk or contact the box office on 01305 266926.
Dalwood Jazz Club presents Derek Nash & The Martin Dale Quartet with Derek Nash (Jools Holland R&B Band) on saxes, Martin Dale – tenor sax, Gavin Martin – piano, Kevin Sanders – bass and Dennis Harris – drums. 3pm Dalwood Village Hall, EX13 7EG (near Axminster). Bar for beer/wine/soft drinks and teas/coffees/cake etc. Parking at the Village Hall. £12.50p. If possible, please book in advance and pay cash at the door. t.mackenney111@btinternet.com. www.dalwoodvillage.co.uk £12.50p If possible, please book in advance and pay cash/card at the door. t.mackenney111@btinternet.com.
Trial and Error. Talk by retired Old Bailey judge and author, Her Honour Wendy Joseph KC. Chideock Village Hall, Main Street, Chideock. 7.15 pm Advance tickets only, £10. Bar and nibbles. Janet.carey747@btinternet.com.
Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 6.5 mile walk from Sidbury. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. New members/visitors welcome.
Artist’s Talk: Philip Sutton RA in conversation with Tim McClure, Arch Deacon of Bristol, Retired. 4pm Sladers Yard, West Bay Road, West Bay, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4EL. gallery@sladersyard.co.uk. Tel. 01308 459511 Tickets (essential) £12 from Sladers Yard.
A Night of Blues ‘n’ Boogie 3 fantastic blues acts. Bridport Electric Palace 35 South Street, DT6 3NY. Tickets £17.50 Book online electricpalace.org.uk
Sunday, 30 March
Opera Boys, with beautiful vocal arrangements, spectacular close harmony and a great line in humour, The Opera Boys have been delighting audiences all over the world with their unique show combining beautiful, powerful and emotional music with funny, engaging and light-hearted entertainment. Hardye Theatre, Dorchester 7.30pm. For more information and tickets, visit dorchesterarts.org.uk or contact the box office on 01305 266926.
Opa Rosa Fast gaining a reputation as one of UK’s most dynamic and virtuosic bands, Opa Rosa are an energetic acoustic ensemble sharing music from the Balkan, Greek, Klezmer & Roma traditions. 8pm Marine Theatre, Church St, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3QB. £14 advance £16 on the door. Tickets available at www.marinetheatre.com. You can also purchase tickets from the Lyme Regis Bookshop and Bridport TIC (01308 424901).
Singing Bowl Soundbath Oborne Village Hall Sherborne DT9 4LA £16 Lie down, relax, and allow the Pure Sounds of a crystal and Tibetan bowl soundbath plus sacred vocal overtoning give you a sonic deep-tissue massage, taking you into the deeper brainwave states of ‘the relaxation response’, while charging and balancing the aura and chakras of the subtle body, and detoxing the physical body. Please book in advance via 01935 389655 or email ahiahel@live.com
Monday, 31 March
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock An evening of Scottish dancing in Chardstock Village Hall EX13 7BH 7.30-10.00p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug and wear soft soled shoes. No partner required. Cost £2.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.co.uk.
If you like music, gentle exercise and socialising, do come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall, North Street on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. No experience or partner required. Occasional live music and always a Caller to guide the dances. Only £3. Tea and biscuits. Tel: 863552 or text 07456730753 for more information.